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Win a Bosch cordless window vac

1 prize to be won!

Enter this competition to win the Bosch Cordless Window Vac – your ultimate solution for effortless and streak-free window cleaning. Designed to deliver professional-grade results, this cutting-edge cleaning tool revolutionizes the way you maintain the pristine appearance of your windows.

Say goodbye to traditional and time-consuming cleaning methods. With the Bosch Cordless Window Vac, you can achieve sparkling clean windows in a fraction of the time. Powered by advanced Bosch technology, this cordless wonder combines convenience, efficiency, and exceptional performance, ensuring remarkable cleaning results with every use.

Equipped with a high-quality rubber blade and powerful suction, the Bosch Cordless Window Vac effortlessly removes dirt, grime, and water droplets from glass surfaces, leaving them spotless and streak-free. The efficient suction feature ensures that no residue or watermarks are left behind, providing crystal-clear windows that enhance the overall appearance of your home or workplace.


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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 12/09/2025.


Bosch Cordless Window Vac x1